Garlic oil is a herbal oil derived from garlic, a member of the onion family. Garlic, whose Latin name is Allium sativum, grows in tropical regions and has a pungent aroma. Garlic is frequently preferred, especially in culinary applications.
In addition, it can also be used in skin care with the vitamins it contains. It is one of the most consumed vegetable oils thanks to its wide range of uses.
Latin Name: Allium sativum
Production Method: Cold Pressed
Commercial Presentation Form: 50 ml Glass bottle
All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.
Olejek eukaliptusowy cieszy się popularnością od niedawna. Otrzymywany jest z zielonego i wysokiego drzewa eukaliptusa. Roślina ta została naukowo klasyfikowana jako <em>Eucalyptus globulus</em> i najczęściej określana jako <strong>eukaliptus gałkowy,</strong> zwany również <strong>eukaliptusem właściwym</strong><strong>.</strong>Olejek eukaliptusowy to bezbarwna substancja, o charakterystycznym smaku i zapachu. Posiada właściwości przeciwzapalne, rozkurczowe i antyseptyczne. Stymuluje i działa antybakteryjnie.Olejek eukaliptusowy posiada cechy olejku eterycznego, ale rzadko był stosowany w masażu. Niewiele wiadomo było na jego temat praktycznie do XX wieku.
Mikroorganismo bizidun edariak dira, gozoak eta osasungarriak. Kultura probiotikoak hartzituz egiten dira, edari freskagarria, apur bat karbonatatua, kaloria eta azukre gutxikoa lortuz. Edari bakoitzak azukrearen %2 baino gutxiago dauka Jogurt baten ezaugarriak bifiduarekin eta freskagarri isotoniko batekin, azido laktikotik edo gehitu ohi diren azukre eta edulkoratzaileetatik eratorritako nutrizio-arazorik gabe. Hainbat zapore ditugu, hala nola, limoia -jengibrea, hibiskoa eta bezeroek eskatzen dituzten beste zapore batzuk prestatu ditzakegu, hala nola kokoa, mangoa,... Edari probiotiko hauek kanaberako azukrea eta datila almibarretan uretan jarriz egiten dira, kultura probiotikoek kontsumitzen dituztenak. Limoi kontzentralari esker da zaporea. Apur bat gasifikatua (ekoizpenean modu naturalean sortzen den gasa, hartziduraren ondorioz). Bizidun edariak, pasteurizatu gabeak, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus eta Bifidobacteria anduiak ditu. Edarietako batek
The mate leaves come from the evergreen yerba mate tree (Aquifoliaceae family), which is found exclusively in South America. Mate tea is the national drink in many parts of South America, and is now due to its natural content in caffeine also very popular in Europe.
Please get in contact with us for further information on our extract qualities.
L'huile de palme non raffinée, également appelée huile de palme rouge, est une huile végétale extraite des fruits du palmier à huile. Elle se distingue par sa couleur rouge orangé intense, due à sa teneur élevée en caroténoïdes, notamment le bêta-carotène. Cette huile a une texture épaisse et légèrement visqueuse. En termes de saveur, elle a un goût riche et terreux, avec des notes légèrement sucrées et parfois de noisette.
L'huile de palme non raffinée est riche en nutriments, en particulier en vitamine E (tocophérols et tocotriénols) et en antioxydants. Elle est souvent utilisée dans la cuisine africaine et asiatique, où elle apporte une saveur distincte et une couleur vibrante aux plats. Contrairement à l'huile de palme raffinée, elle conserve une grande partie de ses composants nutritifs.
Aceite de cedro 20 ml es un producto utilizado en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, que nutre e hidrata la piel gracias a los antioxidantes que contiene, y además ayuda a apoyar la barrera protectora natural de la piel. También se puede utilizar en el cuidado del cabello y puede aportar brillo al cabello. Tiene un agradable aroma a madera de cedro.
Jojobaöl wird aus den Samen der Pflanze Simmondsia Chinensis gewonnen, die in Arizona, Kalifornien und Nordmexiko beheimatet ist. Etwa 50 Gew.-% der Samen sind Öl. Die Jojoba-Pflanze ist ein männliches und weibliches Kraut. Um Samen zu erhalten, müssen Pflanzen beiderlei Geschlechts gleichzeitig in der Umwelt vorhanden sein. Die Jojoba-Pflanze wächst aus Samen und beginnt ab einem Alter von etwa 3 Jahren zu blühen. Es ist eine Pflanze, die unter geeigneten Bedingungen bis zu 200 Jahre alt werden kann. Seine Wurzeln reichen ziemlich tief und sind daher resistent gegen Trockenheit und Temperaturunterschiede. Es ist eine Pflanze, die wertvolle Mineralien aus der Tiefe des Bodens aufnimmt.
Es ist also ein sehr haltbares Öl. Es verschlechtert sich nicht leicht und kann für eine lange Zeit verwendet werden.
Bestellnummer :COS60084
En plus d’être bio, c’est sélectionné par nos soins !
Cette huile essentielle de cajeput bio est issue de la distillation des feuilles de cajeput, également appelé cajeputier.
Nous vous garantissons une huile essentielle de qualité, distillée dans le respect de la plante selon les savoir-faire traditionnels et artisanaux de nos producteurs partenaires. Des hommes et des femmes aussi passionnés que passionnants.
Nous l’avons donc sélectionnée méticuleusement selon nos pratiques de sourcing responsable : Démarche éthique, Traçabilité Bel Air, Échantillons, Analyses en laboratoire, Test olfactif.
Venant d’ici ou d’ailleurs, nos huiles sont issues d’un savoir-faire traditionnel et artisanal, permettant une extraction optimale. Grâce à cette méthode de production artisanale et traditionnelle « du champ au flacon », vous pouvez découvrir une huile essentielle de cajeput bio, riche en molécules aromatiques et d’une grande qualité.
Saw Oil is an aromatic oil with excellent lubricating properties for the lubrication of engines and chains of two-stroke sawmills used in woodcutting. It provides full protection of the parts by making good lubrication of the motors and chains of saws used in wood cutting.
• It provides resistance against friction which reduces the power of the engine by controlling the wear and contamination.
• Prevents the saw from heating, facilitates cutting.
La senteur du concentré de parfum Aloe Vera est créée par notre maître parfumeur situé en plein cœur de la Provence à GRASSE, capitale mondiale du parfum. La fragrance à été soigneusement élaborée pour permettre une haute qualité en diffusion.
Antioxydant majeur, ce bourgeon est connu pour améliorer la micro-circulation du cerveau agissant ainsi sur la mémoire et l’apprentissage.
Extrait de bourgeons bio, frais (non surgelé)
Mise en macération sur les lieux de cueillette (Origine France)
Dynamisé à la main
Flacon en verre de 50 ml
The history of beets totals more than 2 thousand years. This root crop is the most common among vegetable crops. In dried form, it can be stored for a long time. Its use is similar to the use of fresh root crops. Like any dried product, getting into the liquid, it quickly restores its properties.
Use for
Soups, sauces, meat, marinades, poultry dishes, rice and vegetable dishes.
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 9,0
Fats (g / 100g)… 0,5
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 54
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 260
Our yarns are used in weaving, knitting and knitwear as well as women's / men's clothing, military, safety and outdoor clothing, as well as lace, socks, seamless clothing, sportswear and technical textiles.
Polyamide (nylon) yarns are also used in fabric production together with natural or other synthetic yarns.
Denier : 90- 100
Filament :48
Yarn Type :FDY
Yarn Type :Textured
Yarn cross-section :round
Color :half mat
Color:Full mat
Color:Dope Dyed
There are two types of argan oil in general:
food oil and cosmetic oil,
But in terms of quality we can get 4-5 types in terms of quality for both food oil and 4-5 types in terms of quality for cosmetic oil. This depends on the type of fruit from which the oil is extracted and the method of harvesting - picking - and the method of storing it, then the method of pressing, filtering and purification, and finally the method of storing the oil itself.
1- The first, which is usually used in preparing food and the main ingredient of amlou, is dark brown in color and has a strong taste due to roasting the argan tree almonds before extracting the oil from them.
2- As for the second, which has a golden yellow color due to extracting the oil from the argan tree almonds without roasting, it is used as a skin moisturizer and is an important component in high-end cosmetic industries.
Characteristics of food oil
It is prepared by pressing the fruits after roasting them and roasting and pressing the remainder of the first pressing in cold. This oil can be distinguished by its reddish-brown color, and its strong, pungent and clear smell. Its price is somewhat cheaper. This oil has a taste that combines the tastes of almonds and hazelnuts, and has many benefits on the level of connective tissue and regulating cholesterol levels in the body and benefits for the heart, and anti-tumor properties.
Characteristics of cosmetic oil
It is prepared by cold pressing (which is the method approved for preparing the cosmetic grade of argan oil), and the cold pressing method is the best way to preserve the nutrients and vitamins in the oil prepared for cosmetic use - this oil can be distinguished by its color, as it is golden yellow, and has a distinctive light smell. It is usually more expensive
This oil has been used since ancient times by Amazigh women as a moisturizer for dry skin, as an anti-wrinkle, and as a nourishing and restorative for tired hair, because it contains essential fatty acids, omega-6, omega-9 and antioxidants, especially vitamin E
It is used as a main ingredient in high-end cosmetics: as a moisturizer, nourisher and restorative for the skin, hair and nails. It nourishes, restores and softens damaged, tired and split hair_with split ends_ and restores freshness and vitality to the hair and skin in general. And as an aid to tightening the skin and getting rid of wrinkles and stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs. Results begin to appear within a few days of use, usually 7-15 days_ and improvement increases with continued use.
The best time to use argan oil and its best absorption is on completely clean skin and completely clean hair, especially after showering, as it is easily absorbed and leaves no trace, and the benefit is better and the results appear faster.
Cedar oil favors mental activity, concentration, balances emotions, inspires security and confidence. It is used for infections of the respiratory system, cough, bronchitis, fluid retention. Suitable for oily skin, hair, acne and cellulite. Regenerates the skin and erases wrinkles.
Application method: Externally
Aroma lamp: For freshening and deodorizing the air in rooms, for mental and physical fatigue, for concentration, aphrodisiac, acts bactericidal - 4-7 k. cedar; in influenza, bronchitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - a combination of 1 k. cedar, eucalyptus, sage, rosemary.
Pour la p'tite histoire :
Originaire du moyen-Orient, le Cèdre est considéré comme un arbre sacré. Il servait dans l’Égypte Ancienne dans les cérémonies d'embaumements pour les momies. Favorisant l’élévation spirituelle, il est utilisé dans les temples tibétains. Immense arbre et des plus majestueux, il est le symbole de la force, de la puissance et du courage.
Pour information :
Voici quelques propriétés de l'huile essentielle de Cèdre bois:
C'est un tonique circulatoire et lymphatique.
Il sera un excellent anti-cellulite, anti-rétention d'eau, et un très bon draineur.
On l'utilise aussi en cas de cheveux gras et pour chasser les mîtes!
Partie distillée:bois
Principaux composant:B-himachalene, a-himachalene, g-himachalene
Red clover contains many plant hormones. They are antioxidant, reduce cholesterol and liver values, strengthen and support blood vessels, positively effect the heart circulation system and skin, reduce degeneration of joints in old age. They slow down the ageing process and increase the sense of well-being during menopause. Manufactured according to traditional alchemic principles, a holistic procedure passed on by Paracelsus.
Supports/Is good for Menopausal problems
Area of use Menopause, hormonal deficiency, osteoporosis, antioxidant
Emotional Analogy Stability in difficult times
Recommended dose Take 14 drops 3 times daily with some fluid.
Content: 100ml
Herbal tinctures
Almond tree is native to southwest Asia. The fruit part of the tree is used for medicinal purposes. It is a small tree, reaches 4? 9 m. The flowers are generally white or light pink, 5 petals and 3? 5 cm in diameter.
Obtaining Method: Obtaining oil from sweet almond fruits is obtained by cold pressing method. Cold pressed oils; They are vegetable oils that are produced without applying heat, only by mechanical processes, without disturbing the nature of the oil. With this method, their health benefits come to the fore as they contain high amounts of antioxidants, phenolic compounds, phosphatides, carotenoids and phytosterols.
Email us at and order products
Contact Whatsapp +90 (539) 819 0133
The AHA nourishes the skin while deeply cleaning the skin and maintains moisture balance by providing hydration.
Hyaluronic acid and carefully selected herbal extracts care for a youthful looking and radiant skin appearance.
Gently cleanses foreign bodies and make-up residues on the skin surface and protects the skin against aging.
From Amazonia to you, the acerola cherry is a small-sized juicy fruit with a delicate sweet and sour flavor, which can best be described as a tasty combination of lime and strawberry. In huge demand, this tiny cherry with bright red and thin skin has High Vitamin C (30% more than orange) and also contains Polyphenol (Anthocyanin) and Bioflavonoids. It is a source of Potassium and is high in Fibre. The acerola cherry is also commonly used as a 100% natural substitute for ascorbic acid due to its high Vitamin C that prolongs the shelf-life of products as well as adding great taste, color and nutritional properties to them.
* Antioxidant activity (High ORAC)
* Prevents influenza and colds.
* Boosts the immune system
* Athletic endurance
* Antifungal
* Skin astringent (cream)
Common uses: foods and beverages, energy and sport drinks, juices, yogurts, desserts, jellies, gel in suspension and others.
Tea tree oil is a herbal oil obtained from the plant called Indian laurel. Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as Melaleuca alternifolia, is a plant with flat leaves. The plant belongs to the myrtle genus. Although this species, which is native to Australia, has been cultivated for many years, it has only recently begun to be consumed frequently. It is used extensively in skin care.
Latin Name: Melaleuca alternifolia
Production Method: Distillation
Commercial Presentation Form: 20 ml Glass bottle
All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.
Es handelt sich um ein Produkt zur Hautpflege, das dank seines Vitamin E und seiner Antioxidantien die Haut mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und nährt und zudem zur Aufrechterhaltung des natürlichen Feuchtigkeitshaushalts der Haut beiträgt. Es kann auch in der Haarpflege eingesetzt werden und durch die Pflege des Haares für Glanz sorgen.
Tea tree oil has a pleasant, aromatic smell. It is obtained from tea tree leaves found in Australia. The name of the oil, as well as the tree itself from which it is produced, has nothing to do with tea. The plant was called a tea tree by Captain Cook, who, like Aborigines, used her leaves for brewing a drink replacing tea. The good effect of tea tree leaves was used by Aborigines who used them to disinfect and treat wounds. Nowadays, this tree is cultivated on a large scale due to the high interest in essential oil obtained from this raw material, which contains over 90 active compounds. Tea pains are obtained in the distillation process with water vapor steam fresh leaves and branches of tea tree. It is characterized by a fresh, herbal smell and a colorless or light yellow color. The pain is used in aromatotherapy as one of the strongest antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal ingredients. Supports the immune system, therefore it is recommended for colds, flu and Qatar.